
The Cultural Association Subterranea Studio (745, Independence Avenue, – Porto Alegre, Brazil) was an independent art space managed by five artists: Gabriel Netto, Guilherme Dable, James Zortéa, Lilian Maus and Túlio Pinto. Its goal was to put together a network joined by artists, critics, academics and the general public interested in art. From 2006 to 2015, Subterranea produced exhibitions, talkings, workshops, performances, book releases and video exhibitions that brought together artists and audiences. It began as Túlio Pinto, Gabriel Netto e Jorge Soledar’s personal work studio, at the same address. Subterranea’s activities ended in March 2015.

Subterranea Studio Portfolio

View the PDF.


Subterranea Studio – The book was released in 2010 by supporting fund FUMPROARTE (Portuguese/English). It contains Subterranea history until 2010 with pictures, artworks, interviews, critical articles. View the e-book.

VECTOR Project catalogue – VECTOR was produced by Subterranea as a way to bring to Rio Grande do Sul three artists from different regions of Brazil to perform residencies in the countryside. The catalogue (Portuguese/English) has critical article from Subterranea, pictures taken during the residencies and also features interviews with artists. View the catalogue.


Subterranea Studio (Independence Avenue, No. 745/Subsolo – Porto Alegre / RS – Brazil) had an exhibition room, work space /studio for practical activities, bar, two bathrooms, office/ library and an open courtyard. Check out the link to see pictures of the structure and floor plan. To see pictures of past activities developed at the Studio, please check its portfolio.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

1) What was Subterranea Studio ?
The Subterranea Studio was an independent art space that hosts exhibitions , workshops , chats, film and book launches , performances , and other activities related to contemporary art . The goal was to gather and provide dialogue between different audiences that had interest in the visual art scene .

2) What is the Studio visiting time?

Monday to Friday from 2pm to 6pm

3) It is possible to schedule visits at other times ?
Yes. Scheduling must be done via email contato@subterranea.art.br with a proposed alternative time . You must wait for confirmation sent by the Studio.

4) What types of projects are carried out in Sbuterranea Studio ?
Exhibitions , performances , chats , book launches , film screenings , workshops, among others.

5) Has the Studio works for purchase ?
Works for purchase can be viewed at the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ateliersubterranea/sets/72157632939511417/ Contact must be made at the address indicated in the description of the image or directly with the artists ( artist’s contact will be provide when asked by email contato@subterranea.art.br in which is indicated the artwork wanted)

6) Is it possible to rent the space for other events ?
No. Project proposals may be submitted by email ( see item 2 ) , being highlighted here that the projects should be closely in line with the trajectory of the institution in the field of contemporary art .

7) Does the Studio Subterranea have residencies for artists?
No. The Studio does not have accommodation or have autonomic finances to receive residents. This type of activity has been carried out in space when there was collaboration with the Goethe-Institut in 2010 and 2011, and when the VECTOR Project was developed ( 2013/1 ) and served as a platform for residences on the countryside. Although the institution dos not hosts residents, it is open to proposals for independent activities that are financed by some other way. Projects can be sent to the email address of the institution ( SEE ITEM 2 ) . Check here the structure of the Studio stricture



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Subterranea  (2006 – 2015) used to be at the following address:

Avenida Independência, n° 745/Subsolo
Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil