Começa a programação da residência do espaço Diablo Rosso (Panamá) aqui na Subterrânea, por meio do projeto Continentes – 8ª Bienal do Mercosul:

Exibição do filme “Curundú”

Dia: terça-feira, 18/10

Horário: 20h

Entrada gratuita(!), 60 lugares

Mais informações:

Trailer do fime:

Sinopse do fime – espanhol e inglês

El que no conoce a Kenneth, no conoce Curundú
Kenneth es un carismático personaje que tiene por oficio hacer fotografías a sus vecinos del barrio de Curundú. “Un maleante casi retirado” y también, un hombre con talento para contar historias. A través de Kenneth y de sus fotos, el documental nos habla de Curundú; uno de los barrios más pobres y marginados de la Ciudad de Panamá.

English Synopsis

Kenneth lives in Curundu, one of Panama City’s more dangerous districts. He is the neighbourhood’s photographer and documents the everyday life of the area he loves. He is a local celebrity and by his side the viewer is presented with new spaces and special human beings placed in difficult circumstances. Kenneth is the administrator of Curundu’s collective memory, in a place from where people constantly disappear, shot when gangs fight each other or arrested by the violent police in their raids. A powerful documentary about a people left to themselves, seen through the eyes of someone who really has a personal experience of Panama’s systemic violence.